Applied Linguist in Central Asia
Join our team to take up this need of research and academic investment in the language of a muslim people group in a Central Asian country.
Some minority groups are almost untouched by the gospel, and there are very few evangelical Christian communities.
Give some time to developing relationships with neighbours, praying for them and learning the culture.
Take opportunities to share your love for Jesus in appropriate and discrete ways.
Qualities & Gifts Sought
SIL or similar applied linguistics training in analysis, lexicography, translation or literacy and education.
Previous experience or expertise related to language development.
Our ref 227
About Central Asia
WEC is involved in serving communities throughout Central Asia.
We are working in a variety of roles, alongside other Christian agencies, and with the local church where it exists. Our desire is to see the peoples of this region come to faith in Jesus, gathered into communities of believers, and discipled so that they can disciple others.
WEC’s diverse ministry in Central Asia includes missional business, education, English teaching, medical care and development work.
We cannot give details online about the countries, situations and opportunities we have found where you can serve in Central Asia, but we will be able to tell you more when you meet us face to face.
More about WEC in West and Central Asia