Wec 02289

DIVE INTO France 2025

Join other young people for 4 weeks (24 September to 21 October) in several key locations in France.

Come and hear firsthand about the diverse spirituality of the French peoples and their stories. From the two biggest Catholic pilgrimage centres of Lisieux and Lourdes to migrant and student ministries.

Briefly join in what God is doing through our missionaries at a café outreach, student and youth activities, prayer, practical work, pilgrim walking and sharing your own stories.

Qualities & Gifts Sought

Age limit 18-35. Some French language would be an advantage but not required.

There might be an opportunity to stay on for a few days after the organised programme to visit other WEC ministries.

Cost: 1000$US (includes food, accom & internal travel, excludes flights and visas).

Closing date: 1 May 2025.

Our ref: 593

DIVE INTO is WEC's new short-term programmes, specially designed for Christians aged 18 to 35 to join others from other countries in the same age group and experience together what short-term mission with WEC might look like.

More info diveintowec.com

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About France

France is a country whose territory consists of metropolitan France in western Europe, as well as several overseas regions and territories.  

The metropolitan area of France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean.  

The overseas territories include French Guiana in South America and several islands in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.  

France has a population of approx. 65 million people and its capital is Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. Other major urban centres include Marseille, Lyon, Lille, Nice, Toulouse and Bordeaux.  

France has long been a global centre of art, science, and philosophy. It hosts Europe's third-largest number of cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site. France received 83 million foreign tourists in 2012, ranking it as the first tourist destination in the world, ahead of the USA (67m) and China (58m).
France is a developed country with the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal GDP. France performs well in international rankings of education, health care, life expectancy, and human development.    

[Source Wikipedia. Read more about France here].

France has 115 people groups and 32% of these are unreached with the good news of  the gospel.

63% profess to be Christian and of these 1% are Evangelical.

[Source: Joshua Project]

Pray with us for:
- unity among believers
- vision for outreach
- the nearly 50 million French people who have no real link to a church
- the Basques
- the French Jewish communities
- North Africans
- Berbers.
[Operation World, print edition 2010]  

You can also pray online for France using Operation World.
WEC's ministry in France is wide-ranging and involves both sending and receiving Christian workers. WEC partners with evangelical churches in France to send workers to minister cross-culturally all over the world, but France is also a country where many do not know what it means to have a living faith in Jesus Christ.

Church planting teams are working amongst indigenous French, Basque and immigrant communities across France.

Junior who serves among Basque people. Read his story.

Read in French about WEC France here.


Position Type
Prayer & Intercession
Hospitality & Residential

Commitment Type
0-3 months i Short opportunities ranging from 2 weeks up to 3 months. However because of the cost of flying to the environment, we would encourage you to consider a commitment of at least six weeks in such circumstances.

Mulhouse, Liseiux, Bayonne
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