School Teachers in the Caucasus
WEC helps to recruit teachers and school staff for this cooperative international academy on the Caspian coast.
They have vacancies for primary and high school teachers in a range of subjects, but especially: Kindergarten, 5th/6th grade teacher, Secondary Life Science, Language Arts, Music Teacher, ESL Teacher, Dyslexia support staff and Counsellor.
Experience real cross-cultural living and serve young people in the name of Jesus.
Qualities & Gifts Sought
Qualification requirements depend on position applied for.
This position is non-salaried, but the school may help obtain funds for airfare and/or accommodation.
Our ref 109
It is an occupational requirement of any role with WEC International to have a committed evangelical Christian faith, because sharing your faith will be part of that role.
About West Asia
WEC serves communities across West Asia.
WEC teams are involved in a variety of ministries, ranging from outreach to church planting, and tent-making to missional business. We also serve alongside other Christian agencies, and with the local church where it exists.
Our desire is to see the peoples of this region come to faith in Jesus, gathered into indigenous communities of believers, serving and joining the work of sharing the good news.
We cannot give details online about the countries, situations and opportunities we have found where you can serve in this region, but we will be able to tell you more when you meet us face to face.
More about WEC in West & Central Asia