University Professors and Staff in the Middle East
Bring your academic expertise to open doors for the gospel, and experience the fascinating culture of this vibrant and resilient people group who are open to the outside world.
There are some universities in one region of the Middle East recruiting for various teaching and staff openings using English. They are asking for Professors of Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mathematics, Finance, Business, Anatomy & Physiology, Computing, Linguistics, plus several fields of Engineering.
They are also recruiting lab instructors, workshop technicians, engineers, and ESL Teachers. You will have time to study the local language.
Qualities & Gifts Sought
You have appropriate qualifications and experience for one of these positions.
You love sharing the Lord Jesus with colleagues and students in a discreet, respectful and prayerful manner.
You are fluent in English, but are willing to give time to learn the local language and culture.
A particular university might provide accommodation, or you can rent a house or apartment near Christian colleagues in the same city.
Our ref 351
About Middle East
WEC serves communities across the Middle East, and has had teams working in some countries for decades.
WEC teams are involved in a variety of ministries, using tent-making, medical work, missional business to do effective and culturally appropriate outreach leading to church planting. We also serve alongside other Christian agencies, and with the local church where it exists.
Our desire is to see all the peoples of this region come to faith in Jesus, gathered into indigenous communities of believers, serving and joining the work of sharing the good news.
We cannot give details online about the countries, situations and opportunities we have found where you can serve in the Middle East region, but we will be able to tell you more when you meet us face to face.
More about WEC in Middle East