A new era in WEC UK’s ministry is beginning. Over the last two years, we have undertaken a root-and-branch review of all aspects of WEC UK’s work. Having concluded this review, we believe the time is right to reimagine our presence in the UK, in order to reach more individuals and communities with the good news, and to place a greater emphasis on a ministry that goes out to where the people are.
A key aspect of this reimagined presence will be to move from a centralised headquarters at Bulstrode to several new bases in strategic urban locations. This will enable us to grow a vibrant and effective ministry in the areas of the country with the most people unreached by the gospel.
We are so thankful to God for the wonderful provision Bulstrode has been.
Since WEC purchased Bulstrode in 1967, both the world and the nature of mission work have changed a great deal. With a thriving Christian community in every corner of the world, mission is now from anywhere to everywhere. At the same time, the UK has become increasingly multicultural and multi-ethnic, with people from numerous communities and ethnic groups unreached by the gospel settling within our shores. In this context, although we remain deeply committed to overseas mission, we are excited to be reorganising WEC in such a way as to be amongst the unreached people within our own nation.
The essence of WEC will not change. We remain resolved to take the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love. All our activities –Praying, Engaging the unreached, Discipling, Mobilising, Recruiting and Supporting our workers – contribute to achieving this aim. WEC’s structure and approaches may change, but our aim and vision are constant.
Our plans to relocate are now well under way. We have assembled a project management group to oversee the transition, we are visiting potential new sites for WEC’s headquarters, and we have just appointed an estate agent to manage the sale of Bulstrode. Our aim is to complete the move from Bulstrode by the end of 2016.
This is an exciting but demanding undertaking, and we would particularly value your prayers and encouragement at this time. Thank you for walking this journey with us.
If you have any comments or queries, please contact us.