How to get ready for cross-cultural ministry.
Do you get excited about a particular country or area of the world? Perhaps you have a feeling that God might want you overseas and it won’t go away. Or do you just want to serve? If any of those are true for you, you’re probably wondering what to do about it.
Here are 10 ideas to help you get started.
1. Who’s with you?
Talk to friends you really trust and share your thoughts. Talk to your church leaders too and see what they think. If you do end up as a missionary, these are the people who will become your support team. Get them involved right from the start, so they can pray for you and check how you’re getting on.
Pray with friends and church leaders
2. Do your homework
Find out what it's like to live and serve overseas. Talk to missionaries. Check out the rest of the WEC website and a few others. Find some cross-cultural ministry related stuff on YouTube. Read a good biography of a missionary. Can you see yourself doing the kinds of things you’re finding out about?
3. Test the water
A short-term placement in another country or culture is a great way to get a clearer idea of what you would be getting into and may help you work out if long-term ministry is for you. We can link you up with a WEC team through our Short Term programme, for between two weeks and two years!
BCS School in Senegal West Africa. See current opportunities
4. Get some experience
Try our some different skills with your church. See if you can have a go at evangelism, preaching, children’s work, leading Bible studies or social action projects, for example. You can develop skills here and now that will help you later. People will also see you are serious about wanting to serve God.
5. Explore opportunities
Check out a few different cross-cultural mission agencies — they will all operate differently. See what opportunities are available. Where might you fit?
6. Take a course
A short course like MomentumYes or Kairos can help you understand the big picture of cross-cultural ministry around the world. Or start with a Mission & Me day for a relaxed look at what it means to be a missionary. Take a look at our events page to see when the next MomentumYes and Mission & Me events are.
Explore opportunities
7. Train up
Some good training in theology and understanding the Bible is important, especially if you are thinking about longterm mission. WEC’s Cornerstone Centre in the Netherlands is a Bible college specifically designed to train you for mission. Check out our films with students who are now serving long-term.
8. Learn a skill
In some countries you have to take up employment, otherwise you will not be allowed to live there. Training and secular work experience can open doors for the gospel. So, if you’re interested in a specific part of the world, find out what skills and training would be useful for this location.
Learn a practical skill.
9. Start right now
Don’t just put it off! Do something now to act on your sense of calling. And while you’re waiting to go overseas, share the good news wherever you are. Make friends with people from other cultures. Get to know them, get alongside them and introduce them to Jesus.
10. Enjoy the adventure!
Serving God can be a lifelong adventure, whether that’s on your doorstep or in a far-flung corner of the world. Trust God to guide you and provide for you and go for it!
A WEC Missionary cycling down a dried up river bed in West Africa.
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Based on an article on by WEC missionary Jan Boucher