Discipleship Intern with those addicted in Europe
This is hands-on discipleship! Be Jesus to those longing to be free from addiction by working, living and worshipping alongside those whose broken lives are being restored.
Serve on worship teams, apply business skills in Betel’s charitable businesses, and more. Whatever your skill, Betel’s diverse ministry environment will put it to work.
Betel provides its workers with free board and lodging as a working member of our community.
Qualities & Gifts Sought
Bring what practical skills and local church experience you have. Betel offers short and long-term internship opportunities.
It is an occupational requirement of any role with WEC International to have a committed evangelical Christian faith, because sharing your faith will be an integral part of that role.
We recommend at least a 6-month commitment for the maximum benefit of our internship programme.
There are opportunities in Czechia, Spain and Germany, as well as England and Scotland. Could be an opportunity to learn some Czech, Spanish or German language too.
Our ref 152
About Betel – rescuing those addicted
Betel began in Madrid in 1985 when a small group of WEC missionaries began to care for the needs of drug addicts and marginalized people living on the streets.
Today Betel has become a global phenomenon, established in over 100 urban areas in 23 countries worldwide.
Betel’s mission is to bring long-term freedom and restoration to men and women broken by drug and alcohol abuse. Betel accomplish this by building values, skills and character through living, working and worshipping together in a caring Christian community.
Each Betel residential centre is run by men and women who have themselves experienced freedom from addiction.
"Our end goal is to help people not only escape addiction, but become productive, trustworthy men and women of character when they leave our community. We believe that life is never hopeless." Anthony heads up Betel Manchester. Read Anthony's story
Find out how to get help for yourself or someone you know: Coming to Betel
More about Betel in the UK
About doing an Internship with Betel
About United Kingdom
The capital of the United Kingdom is London and is the largest city with a population of 10.3m. London is the fourth-largest city in Europe. Other major urban areas in the UK include Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester.
The UK is a developed country and has the world’s fifth-largest economy by GDP. The total area of the UK is approximately 243,610 square kilometres. The country occupies the major part of the British Isles archipelago which includes the Republic of Ireland. The UK has a temperate climate, with plentiful rainfall all year round.
The UK has a constitutional monarchy. King Charles III is the monarch and head of state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the Sovereign of 15 other independent Commonwealth countries. The UK has a parliamentary government based on the Westminster system that has been emulated around the world. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is the UK's head of government. The UK has sovereignty over 17 territories which do not form part of the UK itself (14 British Overseas Territories and three Crown dependencies).
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved administrations based in their capitals: Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively. Each have their own government or executive led by a First Minister.
[Main source: Wikipedia].
Religious worldviews and unreached peoples in the UK
The population of the UK is around 65.4 million.
57% profess to be Christian and of those 7.91% are Evangelical. Other main religions and belief systems include: Islam - 4.1%, Hinduism - 2.8%, Pagan religions - 0.7%, Buddhism - 0.4%, Non-religious - 34.5%.
The UK contains around 105 distinct people groups, of whom 35 are classified as 'unreached' with little access to the good news of Jesus in their community, language or culture.
[source Joshua Project]
WEC's ministries in the UK
WEC’s primary goal is to take the gospel to the least-reached peoples of the world, and to see churches planted and growing among them. WEC's work in the UK and Ireland has a long history of training and sending Christian workers all over the world, but also of identifying the unreached in our midst.
WEC International is committed to:
• Work cross-culturally among immigrant communities in several cities to see Christian communities established which reflect their cultures through our Neighbours Worldwide teams;
• Encourage and stimulate prayer for cross-cultural mission around the world, accurately researching the whole mission scene through the Operation World team;
• Partner with churches all over the UK and Ireland to mobilise their congregations into cross-cultural ministry;
• Offer opportunities for short-term cross-cultural missions exposure and pass on the vision;
• Minister to those who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions and plant churches among them through Betel’s teams;
• Train and produce media broadcast content through our Radio Worldwide ministry;
• Work with schools and churches to run children’s programmes and youth camps aiming to bring children to faith and to educate them about their potential to influence God’s world;
• Publish prayer bulletins and magazines about WEC's work, Bible Study materials, and our website and social media to share the vision of mission;
• Host and organise events and courses (both online and in-person) for those wishing to explore God’s call to cross-cultural work or to pray for mission.
Please note that a tier 2 or 5 visa sponsorship would not be available for any of the current UK roles we are advertising.
Please pray with us for – integration and support for refugees and immigrants
– a national awakening
– local churches sharing the good news of Jesus
– youth and childrens' work
[Operation World, 2010 print edition]