Danilo is a graphic designer from Italy, and he served in the Media and Communications team to help get the word out about opportunities to serve the nations for Jesus’ sake.
“He told them: ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” Luke 10:2
Danilo became part of WEC after working with Claudia Pignatelli from WEC Italy on two design projects. Claudia invited Danilo to take up an opportunity to use his design skills to serve the Lord with WEC UK. Unfortunately, at that time, Danilo was unable to move to the UK. But, last year, things changed:
“I was praying and thinking what to do next. My desire was to serve the Lord and to do something with an eternal purpose. I remembered about WEC and the opportunity Claudia told me about, so I said, ‘Let’s see what WEC is doing.’ ”
Danilo found the role advertised through WEC’s social media channels and decided to pray about the opportunity. As he was praying, the words of Luke 10:2 encouraged him to follow the call to the UK!
I have the opportunity to serve the Lord with my gifts on an international scale, sharing the gospel of Jesus with the world.
Working as a graphic designer in the MAC team has helped Danilo to develop his design skills, whilst also serving God.
Danilo working in the Media & Communications office - Mac team!
“I really enjoy using my design skills to serve in the MAC team, because it is not just graphic design or marketing, there is a higher purpose in what we do. We have the opportunity to serve the Lord with our gifts on an international scale, sharing the gospel of Jesus with the world.”
The MAC team are always busy working on a range of different projects, communicating the mission and vision of WEC with supporters and potential new members. Danilo shared some thoughts on what he enjoys about working with the MAC team:
“Every day is different and can offer a challenge or an opportunity to think up new ideas. It is a challenging place where you can use your artistic skills and grow in what you do.”
Danilo joined WEC UK as a Short Term member, based in the office in Coventry. We asked him what advice he would give to anyone considering serving with WEC UK:
“My advice first is to pray about it, asking the Lord to guide you in every single step. Prepare yourself to meet people in WEC ready to help you and support you in your journey. Be ready to meet lovely people with real experience in cross-cultural ministry, and a big heart for the Lord and the Great Commission.”
It is a challenging place where you can use your artistic skills and grow in what you do.
Get in touch if you would like to use your graphic design skills to serve in world mission. We need you!
Find out more about our Short Term / Gap Year ministry
WEC’s Short Term programme is geared to fuel your passion for God through a hands-on experience.
For a Solo Trek, we aim to match your gifts and time-frame for a short-term cross-cultural faith-filled adventure with God. We will place you alongside an experienced missionary in any one of over 80 countries, where you can serve God, share the good news and grow in your faith.
Alongside Solo Trek, we encourage Church Teams to organise and run your own short term cross-cultural trip. Feel free to get in touch if you would welcome some tips to get you started.
Read more about Short Term / Gap Year here.
We need you to get involved
Take your first step with WEC. Go on a Short Term placement with us.