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Help for the broken hearted in southeast Asia


2 minute read

Back from ministering among the marginalised in southeast Asia, Chris and Kay tell us about their adventure

WEC: Where did you go on your Short Term Mission with WEC, and how long for?

Chris and Kay: My husband and I have just returned from a five week short term trip in southeast Asia working with a group who ministered to men and woman on the edge of society, broken people, who’s only hope is found in Jesus.

WEC: What made you decide to go?

Chris and Kay: We have been on a couple of short term missions over the past years and each one has spoken into our lives, we really feel that the time is right to leave our secular employment and join WEC full time. This was more of a vision trip for us to confirm our calling.

WEC: What was the most exciting part of your short term mission?

Chris and Kay: I think the most exciting part of our short term mission was living and working with people who understood their need of Jesus in every situation. Nothing was taken for granted and everything was taken to him in prayer with an expectancy we had not seen in our walk before.

WEC: What did you enjoy most?

Chris and Kay: It has been easy for us to be spiritually dulled by the world and all its values going through life in England, working in secular jobs. Our intentions were always kingdom centred but the days seem to roll on from Sunday to Sunday, prayer group to occasional outreach. We were sliding into self-reliance. Having the opportunity to share gospel living, if only for five weeks, was the most enjoyable part of the Short Term Mission for us. Living and working in a God centred environment is amazing.

WEC: What was the biggest challenge for you?

Chris and Kay: In England we live in a small cottage on the edge of the Chilton's with only the two of us in the house, so to be thrust into community living in the heat and dust was a great challenge as was the diet. It will be a long time before we can eat a rice again. The numerous insect bites were challenging too!

WEC: How have your experiences on short term mission trip changed you?

Chris and Kay: It’s hard to put into just a few words the impact it had on our lives. We made amazing new friends, experienced living in a close Christian community, heard testimonies of how Christ transformed lives in amazing ways, the list goes on. I think the biggest change for us is realizing that there is so much more God has for us and the short term mission really opened our eyes to the possibilities. We have come back fired up to take the next step.

WEC: What would you say to anyone who's thinking about going on a short term mission themselves?

Chris and Kay: The simple answer would be GO. It will be challenging and at times you will long for your culture but you will see God work in you in ways that you would not believe possible. Also we would advise anybody thinking of going on a Short Term Mission to take as many notes as they can during WEC's pre-trip Short Term Orientation – it will prove invaluable.

Want to experience a different culture, hone your gifts and take the good news to unreached people? Then WEC Short Term Mission could be for you. Click here to contact the Short Term office.

Find out more about our Short Term / Gap Year ministry

WEC’s Short Term programme is geared to fuel your passion for God through a hands-on experience.

For a Solo Trek, we aim to match your gifts and time-frame for a short-term cross-cultural faith-filled adventure with God. We will place you alongside an experienced missionary in any one of over 80 countries, where you can serve God, share the good news and grow in your faith.

Alongside Solo Trek, we encourage Church Teams to organise and run your own short term cross-cultural trip. Feel free to get in touch if you would welcome some tips to get you started.

Read more about Short Term / Gap Year here.

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