Topical, provocative and highly engaging, a new radio programme explores the Christmas story through the eyes of two refugees.
‘Jesus the Refugee’, produced by RW and Reach Beyond, takes a fresh look at the Christmas story, exploring events through the eyes of Mary and Joseph – refugees from a genocide instigated by King Herod. The team behind the programme hopes the clear parallels with situations in the contemporary world will help a new audience engage with the story of Jesus’ birth.
‘Jesus the Refugee’ includes interviews with a number of refugees in Bradford, which is a city of sanctuary for refugees from Iraq and Syria. It also features comments from support groups on how the Church in the UK is helping meet refugees’ needs, and thoughts from the Bishop of Bradford. The programme (in Urdu, with some English and Arabic,) will be broadcast on Sunrise Radio in Bradford on Christmas Eve at 7.05pm.
Project leader Christopher Singh is excited about the potential impact of the programme: ‘It’s so relevant at the moment. Everyone is talking about refugees, so we have a captive audience! We want people to hear ‘Jesus the Refugee’ and ask questions: about why Christians are helping refugees, and about our eternal home in heaven. We hope listeners will contact Sunrise Radio after the broadcast, and through them get in touch with their local churches.’
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